









Tai Chi for Beginners “Tai Chi Fundamentals” | The 13-style teaching of Tai Chi standing stakes

Tai Chi for Beginners “Tai Chi Fundamentals” | The 13-style teaching of Tai Chi standing stakes To practice Taiji Quan, you must Tai Chi standing | Tai Chi's Standing 13 Form | 无极桩|混元桩|浑圆桩|桩功|养生桩 If you haven't practiced Taijiquan Standing("zhanzhuang" )for many years, you just want to get a beautiful appearance. You don't have the function of fighting. On the contrary, you can't get the effect of health preservation, let alone understand, cultivate and get the right way with boxing. This is the first time that Mr. Huangshan has publicly and completely shared the video of Taiji's thirteen internal skills. All beginners can practice and learn together. 50 minutes of training is enough for you to experience the mystery of Tai Chi. Hurry up and move! 练拳不练功到老一场空,太极拳如果没有练过站桩,那么,你苦苦习练多年也仅仅是求得一个外形的花架子,没有技击功能,反而更得不到养生的功效,更谈不上以拳悟道、修道、得道从而正道。 这是黄山老师首次公开完整分享的太极内功十三桩功法视频,凡初学者皆可以一起训练学习。50分钟的时间训练,足以让你很好的体验到太极的奥妙。赶快很动吧! ———————————————————————————————————— ☯Master Huangshan's Tai Chi videos you can't miss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I33p7... ☯More Wudang Tai Chi videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOxEk... ☯More Yang style Tai Chi videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDpXB... ☯More Chen style Tai Chi videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nPhy... ☯More Tai Chi video sharing https://www.youtube.com/c/TaichiZhe ———————————————————————————————————— Follow Me ☯Mail: h96436@gmail.com ☯YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/TaichiZhe ☯ Instagram: https://instagram.com/taichizhe ☯Twitter:https://twitter.com/TaichiZhe ☯Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taichizhe


It takes one word to practice Tai Chi, Wudang Taoist secret Tai Chi 36 style demonstration | 武当秘传太极拳36式

Watch the premiere, don't miss it。。。。

It's very important to practice Taijiquan well and calm down, which is also a very important factor in the process of practicing Taijiquan. In particular, Wudang Taijiquan needs peace of mind. The video is that I am practicing Taijiquan in the coldest northeast of China. In the process of practicing, I seem to forget the existence of cold, and only my body's Qi and blood are flowing. Therefore, it is suggested that when practicing Taijiquan, you can choose to experience it in different seasons, so that you can better improve the level of Taijiquan and be more healthy ———————————————————————————————————— ☯Master Huangshan's Tai Chi videos you can't miss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I33p7... ☯More Wudang Tai Chi videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOxEk... ☯More Yang style Tai Chi videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDpXB... ☯More Chen style Tai Chi videos are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nPhy... ☯More Tai Chi video sharing https://www.youtube.com/c/TaichiZhe ———————————————————————————————————— Follow Me ☯Mail: h96436@gmail.com ☯YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/TaichiZhe ☯ Instagram: https://instagram.com/taichizhe ☯Twitter:https://twitter.com/TaichiZhe ☯Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taichizhe ———————————————————————————————————— #TaijiQuan #TaiChi #Taiji #TaiChiChuan #taichizhe #太极拳 #太极 #武当太极 #武当 #武当山 #太极者 #太極拳 #太極 #杨式太极拳 #陈式太极拳 #wudang #wudankungfu #sanfengpai #wudangtaijquan #zhongyunlong #youxuande #chenshixing #Qigong #WuShu #meditation #yoga #Mouvements #ArtMartiaux #EspritDuCorp



太极内功十三桩法一定有十三种桩法,每一种 桩法都 具有其特殊练功效果,其中无极桩和浑元桩为核心桩法,希望大家好好练习。






Follow Me 黄山老师 ☯ Instagram: https://instagram.com/taichizhe ☯Mail: h96436@gmail.com 浑元桩也叫太极桩,抱球桩,内家武术(太极拳八卦掌形意拳自然门大成拳等等)大多有此练法,也是气功练习之一。浑元桩是可以养丹田之气,通小周天(衽督两脉)的,也就是西方的脉轮的修炼!习练者在站桩中,通过思维意识的运用,而进入意识相对的静止状态,从中实现人体的阴阳平衡、开通经络、调和气血、补养元气,达到培本固元地目的。通过在桩功中的锻炼,才能使体内的真气运动自如,通过心法的应用才能进入静定的状态,才能达到天地人三合一的境界。